
Understanding Your Sexual Health: A Self-Assessment Tool

Welcome to our Erectile Dysfunction Self-Assessment. This confidential questionnaire is designed to help you understand your sexual health better. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that many men experience at some point in their lives. By taking this self-assessment, you will gain insights into your erectile function and the possible need for further evaluation or treatment.

How It Works:

The assessment consists of a series of questions regarding your confidence in achieving and maintaining an erection, the hardness of your erections during sexual activity, and your satisfaction with intercourse. Your responses will be scored, and the total score will help determine if you may be experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Who Should Take This Test:

This self-assessment is suitable for any individual who has concerns about erectile function or is interested in learning more about their sexual health. Whether you have experienced symptoms or not, this test can be a step towards understanding your body better.

What to Do Next:

After completing the questionnaire, you will be provided with a score. A score of 21 points or fewer may indicate signs of erectile dysfunction. It is essential to discuss your results with a healthcare professional who can provide you with a comprehensive evaluation and discuss treatment options if necessary.

Privacy Assurance:

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. The information you provide in this self-assessment is entirely confidential and is intended solely for your personal use and understanding.

Start Your Assessment Now:

Your journey to better sexual health begins with understanding. Take the first step by completing our Erectile Dysfunction Self-Assessment today.

Questionnaire on Erectile Dysfunction

Instructions for the patient:
Sexual health is a very important part of a person's overall physical and emotional well-being. Erectile dysfunction is a form of very common sexual disorders. There are many different options for treating erectile dysfunction. This questionnaire is intended to help you and your doctor identify whether or not you have erectile dysfunction and, if necessary, discuss treatment options.

Multiple answers are provided for each question; please choose the answer that best applies to you. Please give only one answer to each question. Thank you for your assistance!

Self Test

1. How confident are you that you can get and sustain an erection?

2. How difficult was it to maintain your erection during intercourse until the end of intercourse?

3. When you had erections during sexual stimulation, how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?

4. When you attempted to have intercourse, how often was it satisfying for you?

5. During sexual intercourse, how often were you able to maintain your erection until the end of intercourse?

Total Score: 0
If you scored 21 points or fewer, this indicates signs of erectile dysfunction.
Total Score Severity of erectile dysfunction
0-7 severe
8-11 moderate
12-16 mild to moderate
17-21 mild
22-25 none

Want more information? Get a Free Consultation now


What is Shockwave Therapy?

Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy (Li-SWT) is a treatment modality that utilizes acoustic (sound) waves to target damaged or impaired tissue to encourage the body to create healthier tissue. It also helps stimulate blood vessel growth.   Shockwave therapy has been safely used for decades. Today it is being successfully used to treat conditions such as erectile dysfunction (ED), Peyronie’s Disease, and sometimes male or female pelvic pain. 

How Does Shockwave for ED Work?

Shockwave therapy is an alternative to traditional treatments, such as oral medications (Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis), vacuum erection devices, injectable medications, and intra-urethral suppositories. 

When treating ED with shockwave therapy, low-intensity shock waves are applied to different treatment zones on the penis and on the perineum. Using targeted high-energy sound waves, Li-ESWT can speed up tissue repair and improve blood flow, nerve regeneration, and cell growth. This helps improve the strength and quality of erections. 

Is Shockwave Therapy Painful?

While “shockwave” on the surface may sound unpleasant, patients typically tolerate it well. It applies short, frequent, and high-intensity bursts of energy (in the form of ultrasonic sound waves) into soft tissue. Some patients may experience mild discomfort during or after their procedure. 

What Should I Expect for My Appointment?

Prior to your appointment, you may be instructed to shave the affected area. For example, you may be asked to shave the testes and penis prior to treatment for ED. There are no other preparations needed for your procedure. 

Appointments take approximately 30 minutes, and the procedure itself usually takes about 15-20 minutes. However, sessions may be longer depending on the customised treatment for each individual. Patients usually require six (6) treatments, with the effects expected to last for two to three years. The treatment may be repeated, if needed, after that timeframe. 

Treatments are not uncomfortable, and people do not require pain relief or aesthetic; however, patients may have soreness, redness, or some bruising in the treatment area. There are no restrictions following the therapy, but you should take it easy for the rest of the day. 

How Much Does Shockwave Therapy Cost?

Medical aid do not cover Shockwave Therapy, and patients should expect to pay out-of-pocket. At Shockwave Clinic, the cost pr treatment is Rand 2400.00  and 6-8 weekly treatments are normally required as the minimal about of treatments to get the full benefit.

Is Shockwave Therapy Right For You?

Your urologist will discuss your individual situation and help you determine if shockwave therapy is an appropriate treatment option for you.